Sunday, October 12, 2008

And then there were two...

        New Hatchling / Max               Max / New Hatchling

Travis was out prepping the pool to close it yesterday afternoon; I was in the kitchen folding laundry...heard a knock on the door and there is Travis with the pool skimmer net in his hand. I open the door and he shows me that he has just pulled another turtle hatchling out of the pool. It was apparently just swimming around. How LUCKY is that? We haven't been out by the pool in days... that poor little guy would not have made it. We added him to our "terrarium". This one seems slightly larger than Max and I wonder if he's from another nest. Wouldn't that be fantastic if we had more than one turtle laying eggs in the yard? We've never had nest before; despite seeing several different turtles. Our new "guy" will be named Lightning or Ruby depending on who you ask!
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